YA1R - The Impressionist Landscape

07/21/2022 12:30 PM - 08/11/2022 03:00 PM CT


Janelle Doyle


  • $180.00


The Impressionist Landscape
Janelle Doyle

The Impressionist painters observed that color was not fixed but changed from both light and its surroundings. We will start with a series of studio and en plein air activities designed to help students learn how to create an Impressionist landscape painting. We’ll explore techniques for painting air, water, land, and structures. Students will spend the final weeks of the course creating a landscape painting on canvas. Acrylic paints are recommended.


July 21-August 11. 4 Thursdays, 12:30-3:00 PM
Tuition: $144 Member/$180 Non- Member
Age/Level: Ages 14-18
Location: WBCA


The Impressionist Landscape
Janelle Doyle

The Impressionist painters observed that color was not fixed but changed from both light and its surroundings. We will start with a series of studio and en plein air activities designed to help students learn how to create an Impressionist landscape painting. We’ll explore techniques for painting air, water, land, and structures. Students will spend the final weeks of the course creating a landscape painting on canvas. Acrylic paints are recommended.


July 21-August 11. 4 Thursdays, 12:30-3:00 PM
Tuition: $144 Member/$180 Non- Member
Age/Level: Ages 14-18
Location: WBCA